- Creative News

Monday, March 15, 2010

the future of PR

We talked about the future of Public Relations as a profession in class this week. Our discussion got me excited about my place in this profession. Here is my list of 3 traits that every future PR professional should possess:

1. A proactive approach to technology:
Future PR pros should anticipate new technologies while becoming experts on those that already exist.

2. Curiosity:
The best public relations professionals are insatiably curious. They ask a lot of questions and do a lot of research to formulate campaigns that are both creative and effective. They are constantly seeking out new ways to discover how the public is reacting to their efforts and what they can potentially change to better their efforts.

3. Outstanding people skills:
It's true that new technologies, specifically surrounding the Social Media revolution, are changing the way that brands and organizations market to consumers; however, Public Relations will continue to come down to developing and maintaining quality relationships both internally and externally. PR professionals should aim to create a dialogue between the company and investors, employees, the media and the public.

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