- Creative News

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Its Gotta Sizzle

I watch The Food Network religiously, and it recently dawned on me that Public Relations and Advertising professionals could benefit from a recipe for effective integrated marketing communications, or IMC. Chefs like Bobby Flay go through trials and tribulations to discover the perfect combination of ingredients to appeal to their audience's specific tastes. Just like IMC, creativity and innovation are key factors.

A Recipe for Effective IMC
Guerilla Marketing - Hit the streets to develop a more personal connection with your audience. What emotional appeal does your brand have?
Social Marketing - Social networking sites, like Facebook, Twitter and, are proving to be effective marketing tools.
Advertising - Billboards, print ads and TV Commercials allow your brand to expand its reach among it's target. You can also zero-in on your target audience by advertising on TV channels or in magazines that they frequently watch or read.

The key to effective IMC is the right balance of research and creativity. What's more, you're campaign should have FLAVOR. A bland IMC campaign will fail to capture an audience. Here's the bottom-line: Unless you want your brand to become obsolete, its gotta sizzle!

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