- Creative News

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rock Star PR

In class I learned that a good PR person promotes the company that he or she works for AND develops a dialogue with its target audience. This way, he or she is able to let the company know what its target audience is looking for. By doing so, efficient changes can be made in the company to meet the needs of its audience. Here's the bottom line: good PR leads to satisfied customers and higher profits. That's what a good PR person does, but I don't want to be a good PR person. I'd rather be a rock star.

So, let's take it up a notch: Why satisfy an audience when you can wow it? In my opinion, to become a rock star PR person, you have be a know-it-all about the company that you work for. You have to knows every thing from its annual profit to the name of its biggest competitor's CEO's Chiuauah. What's more, you should use social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook, daily-- if not hourly, and develop on-going, genuine relationships with members of your target audience. Your brand becomes a 'lovemark' when you're a rock star PR person. Brand loyalty develops and the company you work for consistantly brings in higher profits.

Apple, inc. is a top-notch example of a 'lovemark' brand. Customers consistantly pay premium prices for Apple's latest electronic gadgets. People who worry that Google is going to take over the world are nutty. It's obvious that Apple will do it first.

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